Tectonic in Art, Edna Bozyski (2025)
The painting of Monica Dixon: liminal spaces of reflection and research, Andrea García Casal (2024)
To live in the strange, Alfonso de la Torre (2022)
Detained spaces, Santiago Martinez (2020)
At the threshold / Towards light, Luis Feas Costilla (2020)
The house shelters the dream, Natalia Alonso Arduengo (2017)
The Jolly Corner, Natalia Alonso Arduengo (2017)
Torres Garcia, 'Mataro City' Painting Award, Pilar Parcerisas (2017)
A Universal Truth, Benjamin NG (2014)
The voice of the quiet (from the object to space) Juan Carlos Gea (2011)
The voice of the absent, José luis Pastor (2010)
Visible reserve, Juan Carlos Gea (2006)