The real or dreamy home of Monica Dixon in the gallery Guillermina Caicoya
Infoenpunto - November 2017
In this exhibition project entitled' Somewhere... Nowhere', painter Mónica Dixon, of American origin and based in Oviedo, shows in the gallery Guillermina Coicoya Art Projects landscapes with houses and interiors in which she reflects, both thematically and aesthetically, the coherent evolution of her work.
As Natalia Alonso Arduengo maintains in a critical text of the exhibition,' in this exhibition Mónica Dixon confronts the spectator as a residential subject to a double reality: the dream house in front of abstract architecture, the dream home versus a scenario characterized by spatial neutrality. The first one representing in its exterior aspect and the second one in an interior way. The inside and outside should have a continuity, a complementarity, but the truth is that these works are distinguished precisely for this reason, by the tension and dichotomy existing between both parties even when the absence of the inhabitant is a common link in the two approaches'.
This painter has a wide trajectory in both national and international exhibitions, reinforced by the outstanding awards that she has been achieving in various competitions, including the First Prize of Painting Algesemí in its XXXI edition, the XXII Bienal Arte do Morrazo; the First Prize of Painting Torres-García de Mataró; and the Second Prize of the National Contest of Painting Virgen de las Viñas.
The exhibition' Somewhere... Nowhere' by Mónica Dixon will be presented at the Guillermina Caicoya Art Projects Gallery in Oviedo until 22 December 2018.